Dearest Blog,
They didn't called.
I am used of losing fights and not being a winner but this was devastating. Antarctica has never been in my bucket list but the contest has got me dreaming on daily basis. This I wanted so badly that I would imagine that the competition was so stiff and I was to attend the final interview with Sir Robert Swan himself.
I had it all planned out. The opening speech would something like this-
"Hello, I am Awi and I am more than excited to be sitting in front of a living legend, Sir Robert Swan, the first person to walk both North and South Pole". I would definitely add in some "I love animals and penguins and sea lions and whales and my favourite band is the Arctic Monkeys".
I have even planned my unused leaves for this trip.
How can they not love this?
Its got everything- the Malaysian flag, a walking stick, a retarded man sweating in a full set of climbing gears, a backpack filled with unfolded laundry and the excited face. The perfect winner.
Sigh. Maybe James was right; the gloves was not convincing- could easily attract gangrene. Maybe Meor was right; I should added a polar bear or a penguin into the photo.
Or maybe it was I who I jinxed it.
The you-know-who-who-will-be-working-when-the-lucky-2-winners-goes-to Antarctica.
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